Last Sunday after LNT lesson , we went to coffee club to have our dinner . I have ordered a slipper lobster linguini .This spaghetti is slightly spicy but Shi Xu cound't wait to try . He has grown to be more adventurous to spicy food .
Shi Xu : i want spaghetti ..
Mummy : This spaghetti is "la la " (spicy ) , Shi Xu can not eat
Shi Xu : i want !
Since he was so adament to try ,i just let him had a small bite,with the hope that he would give up his idea after taste it .Showing my " sinister smile ", i was waiting for him to say "No " to me . To my much surprise ,after he tasted it ,
Shi Xu : hmm ... nice ! very~~ good ! I want spaghetti..
He should wonder what on earth is this that taste soooo darn good and mummy never let him try before . I think Shi Xu love of spice to the fact that I myself ate a lot of spicy food while I was pregnant.
We shared the spaghetti happily and Shi Xu was certainly enjoy the spicy food . By the time we almost finished , i just noticed that the area around his mouth turned red !Initially i was thinking if he allergy to spicy food ,but he was still enjoy his food and never complain he was itchy or so . Anyway we dont worry too much as he is not allergy to any food so far . Luckily the red patches was gone when the peppery taste cool down .
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaThe area around his mouth turned red as ezcema
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHe said he was making hamburgar