
Sushi , sushi !
Today mummy and 爸爸 half day leave , bring 时旭 to "gai gai "

We had our lunch at japanese restaurant in Shaw (orchard )

Fun at Ikea
Went to Tampinese Ikea . Play happily in Ikea .

Mummy and 爸爸 could not find the way , 时旭只好帮忙看地图咯。

Independent Walk
时旭 able to walk alone without any support . no need to hold mummy or daddy's hand anymore.

时旭 can walk very 稳了 but still don‘t dare to walk alone , still want to hold mummy or daddy hand .时旭 ,时旭,别怕,勇敢的放开手走吧!Mummy and 爸爸都会在旁边看着你。永远都是,只要记得跌倒了要懂得站起来。

**时旭 on 13th month

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker