
今天是时旭第一天坐校车,爸爸拿了半天假,5点准时到childcare 陪时旭坐校车。当爸爸到Cherie Heart 时,也没听到任何哭声,老师说时旭渐渐习惯了。看来也只是闹一天(第三天)而已。

以前时旭都不喝奶,我们每次都要等他睡了,才可以喂,因为如果给他看到了,他就会推开,拒绝喝。但在时旭进了Cherie Heart的第四天,有明显的进步了,我们不需要等他睡,他“清醒“的状况下喝,还对我们说“自己拿“。时旭,加油!

时旭 on 22nd month

观察了时旭两天,看到他那么独立,原本是想取消今天的leave ,但想想还是再多观察一天吧!



时旭 on 22nd month


我们“埋伏”了一个上午都没“动静”,就溜去拍拖看电影,喝下午茶。哇!看来还真“relax " 啊!哈哈。。。


在回家途中,时旭对我说“occupation" ,我就sms老师今天学校是不是教occupation了,老师说这学期是,之后我也看到课室有贴occupation的海报。哈哈。。。原来时旭有听书哦!还会“汇报"给我们今天老师教了什么。Smart boy !


dgdgdfgfgfgfgfgfggfon 2nd day, 时旭 already mixed well with other little friends

时旭 on 22nd month

今天是个很特别的日子,这是我家时旭第一天到学校上课(cherie heart childcare),时旭终于上学了!我和爸爸都很紧张,还特地请了两天假(我还请了三天呢)去childcare “埋伏”.

那天我们并不是第一个到cherie heart,当我们抵步时,已有几个小朋友到了。


下午五点,我们回来接时旭,他还是那么地"steady" 。老师说他很独立,很乖,一点都没闹。只是没什么吃,可能还没熟悉环境和照顾他的人。希望他日后渐渐会跟着其他小朋友一起吃吧!

时旭, mummy really proud of you !


时旭 on 22nd month

Remember the promise we made at Alexandra Arch ?We want to finish the 13km forest walk between Alexandra Arch and Henderson Waves .

Couple of months ago , we did our half from Alexandra Arch . Today we were going to finish the rest from Henderson Wave . Henderson Waves is the highest pedestrian bridge in Singapore.The bridge has a unique wave-form made up of seven undulating curved steel "ribs" that alternately rise over and under its deck. The huge snaking, undulating shell cleverly forms sheltered seating areas on every upward curve.The bridge itself is absolutely stunning.

We walked along the wooden pavement, enjoying the panoramic view of the surrounding.we were able to view many different sceneries of Southern Singapore, our heartlands and our central business district.

The bridge connects the two hills of Mount Faber and Telok Blangah Hill.
Due to our poor sense of direction, we walked to Mount Faber and end up we had failed our mission today .However we had our great time to enjoy the the lush greenery of the hill park .

**Shi Xu @ 22 months

This time we headed down to pretty much the southern most point in Singapore ->Labrador Park .It located at the southern coast of Singapore beside Sentosa Island and Keppel Marina.

This jetty is the most popular spot to fish in the park as it extends out the sea.I like the beautiful view of this jetty .

**Shi Xu @ 21 months

Daddy EL had an idea of having his own chim up equipment where he can use it at his own convenience .Thus ,he just grab his credit cards and run down to the local sporting goods store and have one .

Everytime When daddy doing his chim up ,Shi Xu's energy will spurts . He can't wait for his turn to try .We just let him have fun with it because we understand that active bodies lead to active minds.We make learning fun and exciting!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaI can do it !

**Shi Xu 21.5 months

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker