Huat Ah! (发啊!)

年初十,at nanny's house , 时旭 suddently throw a pair of shoes into the air and shouted happily in Teochew "Huat Ah ! " That time nanny just simply thought that he was so funny , everytime she thought of the scene , she will laugh again . Who know the next day ,out of everyone's expectation , nanny strike 4D for 7K++ !!! 时旭 ,时旭 , please shout "Huat Ah! " again in front of mummy so that mummy can strike 10 million toto on 年十二 :P .(But 时旭 did not do that and mummy also did not strike toto on 年十二 ) .

**时旭 on 18th month


Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker